Parent Category: Experience
Category: self

My Career Drivers



Love of Learning

Knowledge is Power.  There is Safety in Power.  

There is also comfort in that the world is orderly and that the orderliness can be known.

And the whole thing is grandly wonderous.

Compulsion to Serve

There's always been a need to be of service, of value.



Career is about application.  What can you do for somebody?

What knowledge can you convert to valuable action?

Learn while you do (recursive).  Apply!



Scale your effort.  

Helping others do something has more impact that continually doing it yourself.

Start with a reuseable, scaleable end in mind.

Scale: 3 to City to World
It's hard to put the Scale Genie back in the bottle




At the start of your career almost anything you learn might be applicable later in your career.  You don't know what direction you'll go.  It's wide open.

Increase your impact in your core or go broad?   Try both.

Scope vs Time
Scope vs Time - and there is always a Core


Opportunity Costs

At some point in your career you might reach eliteness in some skill/field/application.  Then what?

 As you get to the later stages of your career your time to cause impact becomes more limited.  Opportunity Costs skyrocket. 

The pressure to use each moment with your Most Valuable Capability increases.


Where is your value largest?
Same fish, different size ponds


The value of learning peripherals diminishes because to whom will you apply that value?.  Will your insight be common or rare?


Focus Forward: my Core


Now is a return to laser focus on my Core
Core Time

Here's where I'm most valuable (my Core):

Bentley Civil Software: